An 11 Day or 40 Year Infertility Journey?

I was listening to a sermon this past weekend, and as I was jogging tonight, trying to clear my head from a grueling day in the hyper regulated mortgage lending world, the reference to a story out of Exodus struck me.

Based on what I understand about that journey, is it should have only taken 11 days for Moses to lead all of those people to the promised land.

11 days to get to the  land of milk and honey.

Yet most of the millions of people who escaped their hardship never made it.

After 40 years of trying.

They lost faith.

Doubted they’d get there.

Complained about the hardships along the way.

Were afraid of the giants that appeared to big to hit.

Fortunately, one young man with good aim and a rock years later figured those giants were too big to miss.

I got lost in the wilderness.

The path to our promised land, had I been willing to face the giant of IVF early on, would likely have been a lot less confusing if I’d had more faith.   It also wouldn’t have taken nearly as long.

My worst fear at the outset of our infertility trials was that we’d end up traveling thousands of miles spending thousands of dollars only to fail.

And we did.

It was that failure though that made me resolute.

100% positive that I would swing that little rock, and hit that giant right in the forehead to shut him up from his constant insults and doubt mongering.

He was too big to miss.

After more than 2000 days in the wilderness, that giant fell to the ground amid the hoots and hollers of a super positive beta test.

If there is anything that I consistently want to share with anyone beginning their infertility walk, it’s this:

Don’t be afraid to face the giant early on.

Play it safe, and you may end up wandering around the infertility wilderness for years, losing hope and becoming cynical, angry, and depressed.

Take it from me–that’s a wilderness you want to avoid as much as possible.

The promised land of parenthood is worth the moments of terror you’ll feel standing toe to toe with your Goliath.





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