Fertility Authority Blog of The Week

I have some exciting news for today’s post:

This week Almost A Father is the featured Blog of the Week on the Fertility Authority website.

Here is the link to the feature post this week: Fertility Authority Blog Of The Week: Almost A Father

If you haven’t checked out the rest of the site there is some great content and a blog roll that is unbelievable.

There is also a live ask a doctor button at the top that may be worth the effort if you are stuck getting voice mails or can’t sleep because of that nagging feeling that you are ‘missing’ something about an upcoming protocol.

I’d love any feedback you might have about this service.

I will be writing a male infertility article at least once a month here, so if you have any topics you’d like me to cover in more depth that my daily blogs usually allow for, PLEASE email them to me at dennyceizyk@almostafather.com in a comment on the blog.

This is a very exciting opportunity to get more guys talking about this, and I love the energy of the people I’ve been in contact with at the Fertility Authority.

I’ll keep you posted about the upcoming topics and articles and about my ongoing advocacy efforts that I hope will lead me to a position in DC where I’ll hopefully be in the company of  a group of cheering nut cases happy about the Family Act of 2011 finally being passed!

Stay tuned….

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