Monthly Archives: June 2013

If It Sounds Too Good To Be True

Having been in the mortgage industry that past 20 years I’m never really amazed when I see some new gimmick offered that sounds too good to be true. After talking a customer off the gimmick ledge today  (a bank offering cash back if my client got a mortgage through the bank–yeah–I don’t think so) I… Continue Reading

Miracles Come in Cans

Miracles come in cans. I had never heard that expression until today. It was part of a Joyce Meyer sermon and the basic idea is that every miracle that ultimately comes into our lives has to start with a ‘can’. We had to open a lot of cans before our last IVF. I can find… Continue Reading

The Impossible Is Possible

I came across a song that has always reminded me of our infertility journey. Here are the lyrics to “The Impossible”, for anybody who is in that place where it all seems like it’s not gonna ever get better. Have a great Friday…. THE IMPOSSIBLE My dad chased monsters from the dark He checked underneath… Continue Reading