Miracles Come in Cans

Miracles come in cans.

I had never heard that expression until today.

It was part of a Joyce Meyer sermon and the basic idea is that every miracle that ultimately comes into our lives has to start with a ‘can’.

We had to open a lot of cans before our last IVF.

I can find a way to make the extra money we need to go to New Jersey to do an IVF cycle.

I can look past the smoldering Twin Towers across the river and still the believe the world we want to bring a baby into is worth our efforts.

I can find the strength to watch as Lisa goes inside herself for the 10th time while we wait out the results of such a monumental leap of faith.

After the fresh IVF failed, I kicked the cans down the road for a month.

But one christening without Lisa there was all it took for me to find a new set of cans to open.

I can do this as many times as we have to so I can see Lisa holding our child.

I can go back to New Jersey in the dead of winter to thaw out our frozen embryos.

It was those last couple of cans that led to our miracle.

Hope you have a blessed Sunday filled with some new cans that lead to your miracle.



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