Tag Archives: IVF

The Importance of Infertility Focus

One thing you can’t be when going through infertility is unfocused. If you are all over the place–pondering adoption, while doing an IUI while wondering about success rates for IVF, you will overwhelm and burn yourself out very quickly. The urgency of wanting to do SOMETHING and cover as many bases as possible is so… Continue Reading

The Higher Type of Courage

Courage takes many forms. There is physical courage, there is moral courage. Then there is a still higher type of courage – the courage to brave pain, to live with it, to never let others know of it and to still find joy in life; to wake up in the morning with an enthusiasm for… Continue Reading

To: CNN Health–Please Stop IVF Bashing

I’ll take a deep breath here. ‘We’re pissed to be pregnant with twins That’s really the headline of this scintillating piece of journalism on CNN Health. It gets better. IVF is often ‘responsible’ for the increase in multiple births as couples use assisted reproductive technology. My first red flag should have been how many times… Continue Reading