When The Going Gets Tough–Don’t Disappear

Yeah the headline says it all.

I am sorry I’ve been away for a few weeks.

It’s amazing how one bad day can turn into a couple of bad weeks.

You want to isolate, disappear, hunker down and pretend you are Superman and handle everything yourself.

Only it doesn’t work that way.

I forgot a valuable lesson I learned in infertility the past couple of weeks.

You can’t hide from it.

Just like you can’t hide from tough stuff happening in your life.

I love writing here.

It is an outlet that makes me feel like I can finish something I start every day, and hope it touches some heart going through the angst of infertility.

It also takes my mind off of myself.

Yes, I’m making major transitions in my career and work.

But I still built this blog, wrote Almost A Father and blogged every day up until my recent disappearance.

So, for what it’s worth, I’m back.

Back to tell stories about the wonderful life I have as the dad of an IVF daughter that is growing up way faster than I planned.

Back to advocate for infertility awareness, and find a path that leads me to Capitol Hill someday to make the case for a tax credit for infertility treatments, or better yet, complete insurance coverage nationally.

But I’ll take the baby steps for now.

I hope if you’re hiding away right now, you’ll come back into the light.

Yes, things may feel like they suck, but there will be moments that are less sucky.

It is all about perspective, taking action and faith.

If you lose faith, you disappear.

Only problem is, you are still there with yourself.

And all those damn voices telling you to stay in the dark and hide and not step into the light.

Ignore them.

Be seen.

Don’t disappear.

I’ll be out here in the light right with you, wherever you are in your life or infertility journey.

There’s safety and comfort in numbers.

So let’s go through the toughness together.

Please send me an email or comment if you need a hand getting out into the light.




One Response to When The Going Gets Tough–Don’t Disappear

  1. It;s great to have you back, Denny. The place was not the same with out you. Thank you for this encouragement, I needed to hear it.

    On the subject of Capitol Hill, I expect to see you in the Senate…….you ought to challenge John McCain in the Republican primary in 2016–just in case he changes his mind about retiring when his term expires. You could ask the infertility community and mortgage interests for campaign funds. Pie in the sky dreaming I know (you are going to cast your lot in the creative realm at some point), but I think we need a real fighter for infertility serving in Congress. As it is, both parties are clueless when it come to infertility.

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