Changing Seasons, Changing Infertility Hope

It took me a minute to register that I was walking out of work today into Tucson weather.

By 4:30pm it was actually below 80 degrees–pretty amazing considering a week ago it was nearly 100.

In one afternoon, fall air was breezing all around me, and I actually rolled the windows down as I was driving home.

It was actually cooler this afternoon than it was 12 years ago when we were in New Jersey for our final IVF attempt.

An unusual hot spell had us wearing shorts in October…and fall weather was nowhere to be found.

Then towards the end of our 3 week odyssey the chill hit, and by Halloween it felt like New Jersey fall.

Changing seasons for me symbolize the perpetual state of change we need to embrace as infertility patients.

Something is always going to change–a stim drug, a hormone regimen, graduation from IUI to ICSI, to IVF to IVF with blastocyst…and each has its own challenges and promise.

The seasons remind me that just because I’m in one place now, doesn’t mean I couldn’t be in a completely different place just a minute from now.  Or an hour from now. Or a day from now.

When we soaked in that hot fall sun in New Jersey 12 years ago, we had no idea the next fall, our IVF baby would be born.

Changing seasons mean changing hope.

I hope this fall gives you a renewed hope to go after whatever your vision is for infertility treatment success.




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