Monthly Archives: December 2013

The Meaning of Christmas

Snuggling by the Christmas tree a few nights ago with my formerly frozen embryo, I suddenly remembered what the meaning of Christmas is

The birth of Christ represents the promise of a world better than the one we are in.

That baby went on to simplify the world in one final commandment that felt more like advice from a friend: love one another.

Isn’t that really what this season is about?

Even the modern day Santa, in proper context helps contribute to that idea of providing kids with a glimpse inside a magical world that is better than the one we live in.

Yes it can be filled with too much stress, a focus on material gift giving and lose its magic as schedules and budgets get stretched.

But in a tender moment snuggled by the Christmas tree with my daughter I felt a kindred spirit to the peace that Mary must have felt on the night her son was born.

Kids make the world a better place.

That’s why we are willing to go to such lengths to bring them into this world.

My world is a better place because of the beauty that my IVF baby brings into my life.

Kids personify the beauty and miracle of life if we can shut out the noise of a world gone mad.

They hold the promise of a world better than the one we are in.

As parents we nurture that vision by adding our own magic to this season.

Imagine if that spirit of magic was part of how we approach every day of the year:

What if we asked the question “How can I make the things I will face today more magical for the children in my life” all the time?

Maybe we’d see the world become a better place more than one season a year.



Hope you have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Things That Break

I saw this night going differently. Our Christmas tree decoration night is usually a time of high volume Christmas music on the stereo, and laughing and reminiscing over the history of each ornament we put on the tree. Tonight, it all came crashing down. Literally. I appear to have a knack for setting up live… Continue Reading

Can One Person Make A Difference?

I’ve always had grandiose ideas of changing the world with one stroke of the pen, or nowadays, one click of the keyboard. That worldwide change remains elusive despite a fair amount keyboard clicking. But I am starting to realize something. Change happens small at first. That ripple in the pond thing. That has frustrated me… Continue Reading

Don’t Get Mad–Just Believe

I used to live by the old “don’t get mad, get even” mantra. It is so much easier than turning the other cheek, staying calm, or taking the higher ground. The truth is at some point in life and infertility, the person you love is likely going to say something that tears you down to… Continue Reading